I weight myself almost daily! I wake up- go potty and immediately step on the scale. (before I eat or drink anything) A lot of weight loss and fitness people in the world will tell you this is a very bad idea. That you shouldn't stress over the numbers on the scale. That it should be more about how your clothes fit and how healthy you feel. I totally agree that those aspects are important. However, I also believe that the scale is a very good calculator for how your diet is going. For Example: When I have a "bad food" day and eat much more than I should have, it shows on the scale the next morning. This puts me in check and makes me realize that " today is going to be better !" When I have a good day - nutritionally- and I step on the scale the next morning and I either see no change, or a reduction in weight then I am happy. No gain is good gain for me. Everyone's goals are different. Maybe you want to gain, maybe you want to maintain, maybe you ...