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Showing posts from June, 2013

toned and fit workout

how far have you come?

Muscle Mass Foods

15 Detox Foods

Do These... Don't Do These...

skinny is not sexy. Healthy is.

leg muscle


Here's a few workouts for the whole body

Apples and Bananas

Hard Poses Made Easy | Intermediate Yoga With Tara Stiles

Beginner Yoga With Tara Stiles (playlist)

Tribesport Challenges

benefits of lifting weights

6 slimming foods

Eat Breakfast!

Kick Back Planks

10 reasons to drink more water

Calorie Density Number

I was reading an article that my Noom Weight Loss Coach sent me this morning. It was talking about how low-fat items are not necessarily the better choice for you. Sometimes they are adding more sugars and additives to make up for the flavor that was taken out by removing the fat. What you want to do is calculate its Calorie Density. You do this by dividing the calories per serving by the grams per serving. The healthier choice is the one with the lower Calorie Density number.