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Advocare Challenge

This is my 24 day journal to let you know how my challenge is going:

If you would like more info on how the 24 day challenge then CLICK HERE to watch a quick video. It gives a great break down on each phase as well as some amazing transformation stories.

Cleanse Phase:

Days 1-3:

Unfortunately I pulled a tendon in my hip the day before I started my challenge and was unable to do any exercises - Everything hurt! Also I must say that eating this weekend was a challenge for me. Usually I am a pretty healthy eater but with 3 kids I encounter many temptations!
Next time I do this I probably will plan my start day better. (I started on a Friday). I do better nutritionally M-F. #ThingsToWorkOn!

The Spark drink is by far my favorite!

Ok let me just tell you that I am immune to caffeine. Coffee, soda and energy drinks have historically done nothing to me. They don't wake me up or give me super amounts of energy. Those little "5-hour energy shots" don't even effect me. So needless to say I didn't have high expectations for this spark drink. Then I tried it... WOW. It took me a minute to realize what was going on. Usually I am not a morning person at all. I am slow moving and hard to wake up. I drank this as soon as I got out of bed in the morning on day 1 and it hit me. I WAS ALERT AND ACTIVE. I was up getting ready, being efficient and had a completely clear mind. That's the thing about this drink. It's not a high sugar- ramp up your heart beat drink. Its a mind clearing- focus drink. I was just getting things done. It was amazing! Fruit Punch is my favorite. I can easily say I am a customer for life with this stuff.

The Fiber drink is my least fav!:

Even though I want you guys to do this with me I will be completely honest with you about how I feel. The Fiber drink was tough. Luckily its only for a few days then you get a break and then a few more. You can push through it. I found this great article with tips on how to get through it. I made the mistake of trying to sip it down on day one. I quickly realized that was a mistake. This is definitely a "chug it" drink! The longer you let it sit the thicker it gets. The taste was not really the thing that got to me- it was the texture. Now I have heard from other people that it wasn't that bad so maybe I'm just being over dramatic! You let me know what you thought???
CLICK HERE for helpful tips- you can do it!!!

** Update: They now have a Peaches and Cream flavor which is way better. I can drink this one with no problems at all. I love it actually.

Days 4-7:

So this little gap of time was a breeze! Honestly so easy to do. I took the 2 little probiotics in the morning before breakfast. The Omega Plex with dinner and my Herbal Cleanse pack before bed.
I still get to drink the Spark drink every day which I LOVE.

I finally got back to working out. My leg is still pretty tight but movable. 

I'm also beginning to see a difference in my body. Not huge but I can see it. I haven't lost a lot of weight BUT it's been a week and that's not really my goal. I want to reshape and tone up. Muscle weighs more than fat. SO... I am not so much concerned with what the scale says but instead the shape of my body. And I am pleased with my 1 week results :) I actually had 2 people tell me last weekend that my face is looking thinner. I started looking back at old pictures of me and took some new ones and realized they are right. Not only that but I am developing dimples on my face!! I've always had 1 on my right side but now my left side is starting to cave in and show my other dimple. Who gets excited about dimples... this girl right here!

Funny story: My advocare coach text me to ask how many cups of water I was drinking. I know I should be drinking around 8 a day. He told me he wants me to be drinking 12 during this cleanse. Luckily we were texting cause Sweet Brown came to my mind saying "ain't no body got time for that!". Seriously I would be peeing all day long! I thought he was crazy. BUT the very next day I pushed myself to do 10 cups in one day. I guess all I needed was for someone to raise the bar for me and push me to it. Now I can easily drink 8-10 on a regular day without even thinking about it.

I'm on my way!!!

P.S. I can't wait to post my before and after pictures for you.

Days 8-10:

All done with my cleanse phase!!! CELEBRATION TIME. I know it was only 10 days but I feel like you have to celebrate every milestone and every little goal reached. I did it!

For these days you are taking the probiotic in the morning as well as the fiber drink. I took the OmegaPlex with dinner and that was it. No more herbal supplements at bed time. Like I said before it has been easy!

By the way if you did not see my video post from the Dr. Oz show then CLICK HERE. He had an expert on his show talking about omega-3 pills and why he recommends Advocare.

Story Time- I went shopping this last weekend with a friend of mine who was on her way to Miami. I wanted to get some more dress pants for work. All of mine are getting pretty loose, especially around the waste. I am not a big belt fan. I would rather have pants that just fit nicely. I won't tell you what pant size I am now because I wouldn't want you comparing yourself to me. (see my articles about sizes HERE and HERE) But I will say that I have dropped 2-4 sizes!!! (depending on brands)

I was so freaking excited about what I was buying. It was an amazing feeling! I used to wear these sizes YEARS ago... It feels so nice to buy them again.

Max Phase:

Days 11-24:

I don't want to go into great detail about what this phase consists of. Just know that it is very simple (as I've said this whole time). Advocare has it packaged and all laid out for you so there is no confusion. If you missed my post about the MNS packs then you can find it again HERE. The Meal Replacement Shakes can be found HERE. And OmegaPlex HERE. The one thing that I wish I would have bought with my 24 day Challenge is Catalyst (HERE). It is being shipped to me as we speak though and I'm really excited to get started on that!

What I want to talk to you about is how it makes me FEEL. I know I'm a girl and we always like to talk about our feelings right??? Well I'm not talking about my emotional feelings, I'm talking about my physical feeling. Since I have been on this challenge I have become a whole new person! 

I have a good sustained energy ALL DAY. It's not like when you take a diet pill, caffeine pill or energy drink and you get all vamped up for a couple hours then crash back down. No. This is a good healthy energy. My body has the nutrients it needs to function as it should. I am focused and alert all the way up until bed time. I absolutely love the Spark drink that Advocare has to offer. It helped so much in the beginning! Now that I am at the end of my challenge I hardly even need it. Honestly I just feel AWAKE all day. Read about Spark HERE.

I used to take sleep aides at night time cause I could not get 8 hours no matter what. When I did sleep that long it was not quality sleep. I honestly feel so refreshed and alive when I wake up now- with no sleep aides! I still definitely need my 8 hours a night but that's because I am so active during the day now that my body needs that recovery time. When I sleep its a good, deep, rejuvenating sleep. Not restless at all! 

My motivation is also way up! Before I was forcing myself to exercise because I knew it was good for me. Now I can't wait to work out. Honestly it makes me so happy to break a sweat. I'm active all day. Getting things done around the house, cleaning, being more involved with my kids. I feel like I gained more time in my day. But of course there are still only 24 hours... The difference is just that I am more productive now. It's great for my ocd, lol.

I can honestly tell you that I am a customer for life and I WILL be continuing many of these products even after my challenge is over. I can't wait to get started with Catalyst.

Here it is:

Please note that these pics were taken very early in the morning and with bad lighting. They came out kind of blurry I will take some better ones soon and post for you. But I wanted to get something up because I have been promising you for a few days now :)

In taking my measurements I found that I lost 3 inches around my waist and 3 around my hips.
I went from weighing in at 133.8 to 123.6
But the best part of it for me is how I feel. I'm toned, healthy and continue on because my whole lifestyle has been changed.



**In case you decide this IS for you**


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