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Starting a YouTube Channel is not easy

OK can I just say that getting subscribers on YouTube is not that easy.

Here are my excuses:
I'm a mom (time consuming)
I have multiple jobs (also time consuming)
I'm not a consistent person (very organized but tend to procrastinate sometimes)

rant over

Real Reasons:
- I don't use my kids enough. Like really kids working out is adorable. I need to incorporate them more in my videos. Also they can help film and edit.
- On that same note, I have an awesome boyfriend who is also a photographer HELLO i am not using my resources.
- One of my jobs is in fitness. I can totally use that to my advantage. Make Time Not Excuses!
- I need to set appointments, use calendars and be consistent. I am capable!

If you want to see what I have so far visit my channel and um... SUBSCRIBE.

love you!


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