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Things your coach wants you to work on for tryouts

As a cheerleading coach I get so much joy and excitement at the beginning of the year. There is a rush of emotions that comes with all the preparation and planning of training up a new squad. As the year progresses you learn everyone's strengths and weaknesses. You watch the kids interact with each other, with the players, with the crowd and with you. I personally fall in love with these girls more and more with every practice and every game we have. By the end of the season I am so sad and lost that it is all over.

Now that we are in the "off season" I am counting down the days until tryouts. I am planning out my practices, finding new workouts, researching new uniforms and doing price comparisons on camps. I try to keep myself busy now so I can focus on the girls later. While I am always thinking about all things cheer I wonder ... What are my girls doing in their free time?

It makes me happy to see pictures on their social media of them hanging out together, visiting the gym and working on their skills. I wanted to share with you a few things that I hope that all my girls are doing to prepare themselves for the upcoming tryouts:

1. Get Social: That's right girls start talking. Recruitment is something that is not always easy for coaches to do from an outside perspective. Especially for a High School/ Middle school coach. If you want to grow your squad we really need our current girls to be talking to the rest of the school. I personally love a big squad. The bigger the better (same rule applies to bows and hair, of course). We need lots of different levels of talent, strength and abilities. Some girls in your school might feel intimidated, or maybe have just never thought of it before. So share your happy memories, show your hard work and express your love for the sport and I promise you will develop a following.

2. Daily Stretches: I know you want to do your very best in every stunt, every jump and every tumbling pass. Lifting weights and doing cardio is great, but I don't want you to forget to stretch too. Stretching not only helps to prevent injuries but it also will improve your skills in every aspect. And if you really focus on stretching every day you will see amazing results in what you can accomplish. Start stretching every part of your body now and impress those judges at tryouts!

3. Don't stop working: Just because cheer season temporarily ended, does not mean that you have to stop mastering that skill. Whether you were working on your back-handspring or your back-tuck, don't stop. Go to your local gym and keep doing it! Trust me taking a month or so off will put you behind when tryouts come up. Keep your current skills up to par and push for new ones. When I am at tryouts I like to see girls who are willing to try a harder stunt, rather than those that are just content with what they have. Show the judges that you have improved since last year.

I am so looking forward to tryouts. I can't wait to see my returning girls and am excited to see how many new girls we have make the squad. I hope my tips helped!


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